Basel, August 28, 2023
The causes of excess, sagging skin and tissue on the abdomen are many, for example, pregnancy or severe weight loss. The solution is often a Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), whereby excess tissue on the abdomen can be removed and the abdomen tightened. Often the abdominoplasty is also combined with a Liposuction combined.
Surgical Technology
The incision is chosen so that the later scar is hidden by the bikini panties or underwear. Then excess skin and fatty tissue is detached from the abdominal wall and removed. The abdominal wall is tightened and the navel is repositioned. Finally, the skin is sutured in several layers with self-dissolving sutures.
Abdominoplasty in the context of a mommy makeover
In our clinic, women often undergo an abdominoplasty as part of a Mommy Makovers in claim. Stretch marks below the navel can also be removed and C-section scars can also be corrected. In addition to the skin, the muscular abdominal wall can also be tightened during an abdominoplasty, for example if the long abdominal muscles have slackened and become divergent after one or more pregnancies (rectus diastasis). If there is only a small amount of excess skin in the lower abdomen, a mini-abdominoplasty can be performed without moving the belly button.
Duration of the operation and healing time
Abdominoplasty takes around two to three hours and can usually be performed on an outpatient basis. During the first two weeks after surgery, patients should take it easy before returning to work. To support the healing process, a compressive girdle should be worn for 6 weeks, after which sports activities are also possible again.
You can find more information on the topic of abdominoplasty here.
I will be happy to advise you in a personal consultation and answer your questions. We look forward to your visit to our clinic in Basel.
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