Breast augmentation with implants | Mammaaugmentation

A natural looking, larger and shapely breast is the wish of many patients. Breast enlargement (mammary augmentation) is still one of the most frequently performed aesthetic operations. Both young women, who have only small breasts after the completion of breast growth, and women who have less breast volume after pregnancy or breastfeeding and suffer from sagging breasts, desire a natural breast augmentation. This is possible with implants and/or autologous fat. Depending on the initial situation, in addition to enlargement of the breast, a tightening of the skin mantle and repositioning of the nipple may be necessary.

16 breast augmentation with implants info
breast enhancement with implants breast augmentation basel

The consultation for breast augmentation

As a plastic surgeon, Dr. Lüdi specializes in breast surgery and will be happy to advise you personally, woman to woman, on the subject of breast augmentation at her clinic in Basel.
As a rule, two detailed consultations take place before a breast augmentation. It is very important to us that you are well informed about the procedure, that all open questions are answered and that your wishes are addressed. Dr. Lüdi will discuss with you the surgical technique, the exact incision and placement of the implant, possible risks and complications as well as the aftercare. Dr. Lüdi will also be happy to show you before and after pictures of a breast augmentation.

The implant selection

During the second consultation, Dr. Lüdi will work with you to determine your desired future breast size and shape. Special bra inserts can be used for this so that you can better visualize the result.
For breast augmentation we use only the most modern, highest quality implants from renowned companies.

You can also read our Journal article on the topic "Breast augmentation - How do I find the right breast implant size for me?".

On the day of surgery

On the day of the operation, Dr. Lüdi prepares a photo documentation before the operation and makes the markings on the breast. You will then be prepared for the upcoming operation and accompanied to the operating room.

The operation - breast augmentation in Basel

Breast augmentation can be performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia at our clinic in Basel and takes approximately 90 minutes.
The implants are inserted through a small incision in the crease under the breast or at the lower edge of the nipple and, depending on the individual requirements of the patient, are placed either above the breast muscle (epipectoral) or below the breast muscle (subpectoral). Breast augmentation with implants can also be combined with additional autologous fat transfer, depending on the indication (so-called hybrid breast augmentation). Depending on the initial situation, in addition to enlargement of the breast, tightening of the skin mantle and repositioning of the nipple may be necessary.

Immediately after surgery

After the operation, you can recover from the procedure in our beautiful patient rooms with a view of the Rhine and will be looked after by our team. After another visit by Dr. Lüdi, you can be picked up by an accompanying person and return home the same day.

The aftercare

  • The first follow-up visit by Dr. Lüdi takes place the very next day.
  • For 6 weeks, you should wear a well-fitting sports bra during the day and at night.
  • We recommend a rest period of 6 weeks to support an optimal healing process. This means that you should refrain from sports, carrying and lifting loads and sleeping in the prone position during this time. Sports such as climbing, diving, golf, tennis and PowerPlate should even be avoided for the first 3 months after surgery to support optimal healing of the implant. You should also not wear a push-up bra until 3 months after surgery.
  • Pain intensity after surgery is generally moderate and well controlled with common analgesics.
  • From the second day after the operation you may shower again with a special waterproof plaster.
  • Scar care can be started from 3 weeks postoperatively. Dr. Lüdi will instruct you accordingly at the appropriate time.

Risks and complications of breast augmentation

In principle, every operation involves certain risks, but in general breast augmentation is a low-risk procedure and complications are very rare. In addition to the general surgical risks (e.g. bruising, wound healing problems, scar problems), there is a risk of infection or post-operative bleeding in rare cases. Any sensory disturbances in the area of the nipple usually subside on their own after a certain time. After about 6 weeks, the body encases the implants in a fine capsule of connective tissue. If this capsule thickens and hardens after several years, this is called capsular fibrosis. Symptoms such as pain, hardening and distortion of the breast shape can occur, so that in these cases the implants should be changed. Modern implants, such as those used by Dr. Lüdi, have a nanotextured, i.e. very finely roughened surface. Compared to smooth implants, this reduces the risk of capsular fibrosis. During the consultation, Dr. Lüdi will discuss the possible risks and complications with you in detail and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Alternative treatment methods

An alternative to breast implants is the Own fat treatment in which fatty tissue is extracted from another area of the body, processed and inserted into the breast. In order to achieve the desired breast size, sometimes several procedures (2 to 3 sessions) are necessary at intervals of about 3 to 6 months.


The cost of breast augmentation depends on your wishes, the type and extent of the operation and the materials required (including implants). During a consultation, Dr. Lüdi will put together a treatment tailored to you personally and provide you with an individual cost estimate. As a rule, health insurance does not cover the costs of breast augmentation, as it is an aesthetic procedure.

Frequently asked questions

Woman to woman, Dr. Lüdi discusses your wishes and evaluates the initial breast findings with you. Dr. Lüdi will give you all the information you need about the procedure and aftercare of a breast augmentation with implants and inform you about possible risks and complications. Dr. Lüdi will then work out with you which implant in which position and size is suitable for you.

For many women it is helpful to bring their own notes with possible questions, wishes and possible fears to the consultation. Dr. Lüdi will be happy to take the time to discuss the individual points with you. If you wish, you may also bring a companion, for example your mother or a close friend.

The desired breast size is discussed with you in advance. During the consultation, Dr. Lüdi attaches great importance to understanding exactly what your ideas are. The size of the implant is defined together with you by precisely measuring your breast anatomy and taking into account your wishes. To help you visualize the result and the size, Dr. Lüdi also uses special bra inserts and a computer simulation.

Thanks to gentle surgical techniques, the pain and discomfort immediately after surgery are moderate and can be controlled with common painkillers. The pain is similar to sore muscles in the chest area and corresponds to a feeling of tension.

The breast implants are inserted via an access in the underbust crease, or more rarely via an incision at the lower edge of the nipple. Small scars remain in the area of the incisions. However, these are usually hardly visible after full healing and scar maturation. Dr. Lüdi will instruct you in detail after the operation regarding scar care in order to support beautiful scar healing.

Depending on the occupational activity and physical strain, you must expect to be unable to work for approx. 1 week. After that, activities in which the arms are not heavily used can be performed again. For occupations where the arms are heavily used (e.g. hairdressing, massage, nursing occupations), you should expect 3 to 4 weeks until you are 100% operational and capable again.

After six weeks, healing will have progressed to the point where you can slowly return to sports. Listen to your body and watch out for warning signals such as pain or increased swelling. In these cases, it is advisable to wait with further training and to allow the body some rest. Sports that put a lot of strain on the pectoral muscle, such as golf, tennis or climbing, should only be resumed after 3 months.

After the operation you should wear a support bra day and night for 6 weeks. You may take it off for showering.

As early as the second day after the operation, you may shower again with a special waterproof plaster.

No, due to the high quality and safety of today's breast implants, modern breast implants only need to be replaced if there are any complications. A planned replacement every 10 to 15 years, as was recommended in the past, is no longer necessary. If there are no complaints, regular check-ups are sufficient. Follow-up operations, e.g. due to capsular fibrosis, may be necessary in the course of time.

Today's breast implants are extremely resistant due to their strong outer shell and hardly ever break. In rare cases, especially with older generation implants, the implant shell can tear due to wear and tear over many years or due to strong external force, such as in a serious car accident (implant rupture). Any damage to the implant can be detected by MRI. Since today's modern implants are made of dimensionally stable, cohesive silicone gel, the implants no longer leak. Nevertheless, we recommend an implant exchange in case of a damaged implant.

Modern implants, such as those used by Dr. Lüdi, consist of a cohesive silicone gel that is dimensionally stable and does not leak into the body even if the implant shell is damaged.

We use only the most modern, highest quality implants from renowned companies. The selected implant shape, size and surface will be discussed with you during the consultation.

Yes, breastfeeding is possible even after breast augmentation because the implant is placed behind the mammary glands and the ability to breastfeed is not affected.

During pregnancy and also during the breastfeeding phase, the female breast changes. For an optimal result, we recommend waiting at least 3 to 6 months after weaning before a breast augmentation, so that the breast can recover from the physical changes. Dr. Lüdi will be happy to advise you personally in our practice clinic in Basel when the best time is for your breast augmentation.

No, the implants are placed behind the mammary gland and cancer screening (palpation, ultrasound, MRI, mammography) is performed by trained and experienced professionals so that cancer screening is not compromised.

Also read the Journal articles "Shapes and sizes of breast implants" and "Breast augmentation - How do I find the right breast implant size for me?".

Simona Lüdi, MD, will be happy to welcome you for a personal consultation for breast augmentation at our clinic in Basel. We look forward to seeing you.

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