Eyebrow lift

With increasing age, both women and men may experience a lowering of the lateral eyebrows, so-called low-hanging eyebrows (eyebrow ptosis). The tissue below the eyebrows also slips and increases drooping eyelids, especially in the lateral part. In these cases, it is advisable to first restore the natural position of the eyebrows by means of an eyebrow lift. Often, in the same operation, a drooping eyelid operation (upper eyelid lift) is also performed and the excess skin on the upper eyelid is removed. Lifting the eyebrows opens the eyes, tightens the eyelid skin and results in a rejuvenated appearance.

12 eyebrow lift info
eyebrow lift basel

The consultation for an eyebrow lift

In an initial detailed consultation, Dr. Lüdi will take the time to address your concerns, analyze the findings together with you and advise you on treatment options. Furthermore, Dr. Lüdi will explain the surgical technique and the exact incision with the help of pictures and drawings and discuss the aftercare as well as possible risks and complications with you. It is very important to us that you are well informed about the procedure, that all open questions are answered and that your wishes are taken into account.

On the day of surgery

On the day of the operation, Dr. Lüdi prepares a photo documentation before the operation and makes the exact drawings. You will then be prepared for the upcoming operation and accompanied to the operating room.

The operation

The eyebrow lift is performed by Dr. Simona Lüdi on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia or under a gentle general anesthesia in our clinic's own operating room in Basel.
A distinction must be made between a direct brow lift and an indirect brow lift (temporal lift). In a direct brow lift, the incision is made in the hair at the upper edge of the brow. Here, a narrow strip of skin is removed and the edges of the wound are precisely sutured again.
Alternatively, a temple lift (temporal lift) can be performed. The incisions run in the temple at the hairline or in the hair so that the scars are hidden. The skin is loosened and then pulled to the desired height and the incisions are sutured. Temporal lifting is mainly used to lift the lateral eyebrows and tighten the temple.

Immediately after surgery

After the operation, you can recover from the procedure in our beautiful patient rooms with a view of the Rhine and will be looked after by our team. After another visit by Dr. Lüdi, you can be picked up by an accompanying person and return home the same day.

The aftercare

  • Rest for a few days after the procedure.
  • To reduce swelling, we recommend local cooling and sleeping with your upper body slightly elevated.
  • Do not put makeup on the scars and do not massage the face for the first 2 weeks.
  • Make sure you have sufficient sun protection (sun protection factor 50+) and refrain from sunbathing.
  • Furthermore, you should refrain from sports for 4 weeks after the surgery.

Risks and complications

The surgical eyebrow lift is considered a safe procedure. However, as with all operations, complications such as bleeding, swelling or bruising can occur in rare cases. However, these go away on their own within a few days.pain that occurs after the operation can usually be treated well with conventional painkillers.


The costs for an eyebrow lift depend on your wishes, the type and extent of the operation and the type of anesthesia. During a consultation, Dr. Lüdi will put together a treatment tailored to you personally and provide you with an individual cost estimate.

Frequently asked questions

If only a moderate lift of about 1 to 2 millimeters is desired, this can be achieved in many cases with botulinum. Botulinum causes the muscle under the eyebrows to relax, causing them to lift slightly. If a greater lift is required, a surgical eyebrow lift is recommended.

After the swelling and discoloration have subsided, you will be socially acceptable again after about 1 to a maximum of 2 weeks.

Depending on your professional activity, you will be fit for work again after just a few days.

For an optimal healing process, we recommend that you refrain from sports for 4 weeks.

Simona Lüdi, MD, will be happy to welcome you for a personal consultation at our clinic in Basel. We look forward to seeing you.

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