Basel, October 9, 2023
Let your eyes shine again!
Droopy eyelids often make the eyes look smaller and often convey a tired, sad expression. The heavy eyelids pinch and often lead to a compensatory pulling up of the eyelids. For the ladies, making up the eyes is more difficult, the eyeliner smudges or is not visible at all.
A small operation here brings a big effect: with a Eyelid lift (upper eyelid lift) the excess skin on the upper eyelid can be removed and your gaze "opened" again, so that you look fresh and rested. The drooping eyelid surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia and takes less than an hour. You can return home immediately after the surgery.

After only 5-7 days, the fine plasters and stitches are removed, so that after one to a maximum of two weeks you are fully socially fit again and can go about your normal daily life.
In our clinic for plastic & aesthetic surgery in Basel, the Upper eyelid lift often also with a Lower eyelid lift combined. Thus, drooping eyelids and bags under the eyes can be easily removed in one operation.
As a specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, Dr. Lüdi specializes in aesthetic eyelid surgery and attaches great importance to individual and personal consultation as well as natural treatment results.
Book your personal consultation appointment online now! We look forward to your visit to our clinic in Basel.