Eyelid lift | drooping eyelids surgery

Drooping eyelids make the eyes look significantly smaller and often give a tired, sad impression. An eyelid lift (upper eyelid lift, drooping eyelid correction), technically also called blepharoplasty, can make your eyes shine again. Through a small, outpatient procedure under local anesthesia in our clinic in Basel, you can have your drooping eyelids operated on and look fresh and rested afterwards.

10 eyelid lift infos
eyelid lift remove drooping eyelids basel

The consultation for an eyelid lift in Basel

In an initial detailed consultation, Dr. Lüdi will take the time to address your concerns, analyze the findings together with you and advise you on treatment options. Furthermore, Dr. Lüdi will explain the surgical technique and the exact incision with the help of pictures and drawings and discuss the aftercare as well as possible risks and complications with you. It is very important to us that you are well informed about the procedure, that all open questions are answered and that your wishes are taken into account.

On the day of an eyelid lift surgery

Before the operation, Dr. Lüdi creates a photo documentation and draws in the excess skin on the upper eyelid. You will then be prepared for the upcoming operation and accompanied to the operating room.

The operation - how does an eyelid lift work?

The upper eyelid lift is performed in our clinic's own operating room in Basel on an outpatient basis and under local anesthesia (if desired, also under twilight sleep or general anesthesia). During the operation, the excess skin and the fatty tissue often disturbing the inner corner of the eye are gently removed. The skin is then closed again with the finest suture material. Since the incision is made in the fold of the upper eyelid, the fine scar is well hidden and usually no longer visible after complete healing.

Immediately after the eyelid lift

After the operation, you can recover from the procedure in our beautiful patient rooms with a view of the Rhine and cool the eye area for about 1 hour. Afterwards, you may be picked up by an escort and return home the same day.

The aftercare

  • For an optimal healing process after upper eyelid lift and to reduce swelling, we recommend regular cooling of the eye area and sleeping with the upper body slightly elevated during the first days.
  • To keep the eye well moistened, eye drops are administered 3 times a day.
  • The fine special patches and stitches are removed after 1 week in the consultation for an upper eyelid lift.
  • Afterwards, scar care can be started.

Risks and complications of eyelid surgery

The drooping eyelid surgery is a very well-tolerated, low-risk operation and complications are rare. In the first days after the operation, swelling of the eye area and possibly slight bruising are to be expected, but these heal well within the first few days. An upper eyelid lift is usually not painful. Due to the swelling, the eyelid may not close completely for a short time during the first few days after the operation, so that the eyes may feel somewhat dry. Moisturizing eye drops help here. The scars are hidden in the fold of the eyelid and usually heal very finely and are hardly visible. Bleeding and infections occur very rarely after eyelid surgery.

Costs for eyelid lift in Switzerland

The costs for an upper eyelid lift depend on the type and extent of the operation as well as the type of anesthesia. During a consultation, Dr. Lüdi will put together a treatment tailored to you personally and provide you with an individual cost estimate.

As a rule, health insurance companies do not cover the costs of an eyelid lift, as it is an aesthetic procedure. In rare cases, where there is a demonstrable restriction of the field of vision due to the strong excess skin, the health insurance company will cover the costs of treatment after prior application for a cost approval.

Frequently asked questions

Drooping eyelids should be operated if the excess skin is disturbing. Patients often report that they suffer from heavy upper eyelids or forehead wrinkles due to the compensatory lifting of the eyebrows. Patients also often hear "You look tired and exhausted!" from those around them, even though they feel in top shape. Many patients also complain that they have trouble putting on makeup and that the mascara constantly smudges. At the latest, this is the right time to consider an upper eyelid lift.

No. As a rule, patients do not need painkillers or only very weak painkillers for the first few days after an upper eyelid lift.

After an upper eyelid lift, swelling may occur in the eye area, but this usually subsides after 1 week. Local cooling and sleeping with the upper body slightly elevated lead to faster reduction of swelling.

This depends on the individual healing process, your own requirements as well as professional and social obligations. In the case of an upper eyelid lift, it takes about a week for most of the swelling and discoloration caused by the operation to disappear. One week after the operation you may also apply make-up over discolorations or still slightly reddened scars.

Since the wounds on the face heal very quickly and the stitches can be removed after 5-7 days already. As a rule, primary healing after eyelid lift takes 10-14 days.

Basically, scars occur with every operation. In eyelid lifting, the fine scar is well hidden in the crease of the upper eyelid and at most slightly visible on the side of the eye. Initially, the scars may still appear somewhat reddish and can be covered with make up if necessary. After complete healing and scar maturation, the fine scar is usually no longer visible.

During the consultation, Dr. Lüdi will be happy to show you before-and-after pictures after upper eyelid lifting. Furthermore, it is possible to simulate a before and after comparison of an eyelid lift by means of a computer program.

In principle, you will be fit for work again after 1 to 2 days in the home office. In the case of activities with customer contact or greater physical stress, you will be able to work again after 7 to 10 days.

One week after the upper eyelid lift, the wound has healed to the extent that make-up can be carefully applied to the eye area again.

Contact lenses should not be worn for 10 to 14 days after surgery. You may put glasses back on immediately after the procedure.

The price for an eyelid lift depends on the type and extent of the operation as well as the type of anesthesia. After the consultation, Dr. Lüdi will provide you with an individual offer.

Read also our Journal article "Eyelid Lift - Small Surgery, Big Impact!".

Simona Lüdi, MD, will be happy to welcome you for a personal consultation at our clinic in Basel.
We look forward to seeing you.

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