
Botulinum toxin, also known under the brand name Botox®, is a nerve-active substance (neurotoxin) derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. In the medical field, botulinum toxin is mainly used to treat muscle spasms, but it is also suitable for treating mimic wrinkles, teeth grinding and increased sweating. Besides Hyaluronic acid botulinum toxin is one of the most commonly used substances in aesthetic medicine.

7 botulinum info
botulinum basel

Wrinkle treatment with botulinum

Botulinum toxin has proven to be effective in the treatment of wrinkles caused by our facial expressions (mimic wrinkles). These include frown lines, forehead wrinkles, and smile lines or "crow's feet" around the eyes. In the treatment of wrinkles with botulinum toxin, the medication is injected specifically into the muscles to be treated using a very fine needle. This relaxes the corresponding muscle and mimic wrinkles are alleviated and the skin smoothes out.

In the right dose, botulinum toxin treatment leads to a relaxed and fresh facial expression with significant wrinkle reduction, without appearing unnatural or mask-like. The effect sets in slowly after about 4 days, is fully developed after about 10 to 14 days and then lasts for 3 to 4 months. With repeated use, the effect can sometimes even be significantly prolonged.

Simona Lüdi, M.D., will be happy to advise you in her practice clinic in Basel and will draw up an individual treatment plan with you.

Botulinum for the treatment of teeth grinding | bruxism

Teeth grinding, also known under the technical term "bruxism", takes place predominantly during sleep and causes the upper and lower jaws to rub strongly against each other. If left untreated, bruxism can lead to serious consequences for teeth and jaws in the long run. Treatment with botulinum toxin is a particularly effective method of combating nighttime teeth grinding. Botulinum toxin relaxes the muscles. In the treatment of teeth grinding, botulinum toxin is injected into the masseter muscle at specific points on each side of the cheek, causing it to relax. As a result, the muscle does not go completely limp, but is only relaxed. Eating and chewing are still possible, but teeth grinding and clenching are prevented. Affected patients usually report a rapid improvement in pain shortly after the first botulinum toxin treatment.

Botulinum for the treatment of migraine

Botulinum toxin can be a very effective treatment for people with chronic migraine. During migraine attacks, there is a very strong tension of the muscles in the area of the shoulders, neck, throat and face. As a result, the muscles press on the vessels and inhibit blood circulation, causing a lack of oxygen. The result is a severe migraine headache, as well as partial nausea, sensitivity to noise and light.

Botulinum treatment involves several injections in the area of the face, head and neck, which are repeated every 3-4 months. Botulinum inhibits the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is responsible for muscle activation. This reduces muscle tension during a migraine attack. Most likely, botulinum also interrupts the transmission of pain signals. Treatment can often reduce the frequency of migraine attacks and/or the severity of headaches.


Wrinkle treatment: from CHF 300

Bruxism: from CHF 450

Migraine: from CHF 800

Frequently asked questions

Due to its mechanism of action, botulinum is suitable for the treatment of mimic wrinkles, i.e. wrinkles that arise due to excessive muscle activity. These are, for example, frown lines, forehead wrinkles and crow's feet on the side of the eye.

Yes, a slight eyebrow lift of 1 to 2mm is possible with botulinum. This opens the eye and can help to achieve a fresh look.

No, absolutely not. Many clients fear a mask-like, frozen facial expression after botulinum treatment. However, in the right and experienced hands, very natural results can be achieved with Botulinum, and facial expressions are not lost. Dr. Lüdi's experience allows her to use the correct technique and dosage so that the mimic muscles are slightly relaxed, but not completely blocked. Our goal is to achieve a fresh and refreshed appearance, while preserving the naturalness and also the facial expression.

As soon as the first superficial wrinkles appear in the area of the forehead, frown line or on the side of the eye, it can be useful to start with a first botulinum treatment. Due to its muscle relaxing effect, botulinum also has a prophylactic effect and the aim is to prevent deepening of the mimic wrinkles.

For an optimal result, you should avoid sports and sauna for the first 2 days after the botulinum treatment. Touch the treated area as little as possible and do not massage the treated area under any circumstances to prevent undesired distribution of the botulinum toxin. You may apply make-up again from the next day.

After two days, you may resume sports without hesitation.

The effect of botulinum sets in slowly after about 3 to 4 days and is fully developed after about 10 to 14 days.

The duration of effect varies individually and depends on various factors. As a rule, the effect of botulinum lasts around 3 to 4 months. With regular use, the effect can sometimes even be significantly prolonged.

Simona Lüdi, MD, will be happy to welcome you for a personal consultation at our clinic in Basel.
We look forward to seeing you.

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