PRP Treatment | Vampire Lift | Autologous Blood Therapy in Basel

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment is an effective way to regenerate the skin naturally and under its own power. The blood plasma contains a large amount of growth factors and proteins, which have a positive effect on the skin. Autologous blood therapy makes use of the natural healing processes of our body: When an injury occurs, platelets and other components migrate to the affected area and primarily ensure hemostasis and subsequently tissue repair. In a PRP treatment, the platelet-rich plasma is either injected directly into the skin (vampire lifting) or combined with a microneedling treatment. The micro-injuries as well as the growth factors found in the plasma or platelets stimulate cell renewal and stimulate the body's own production of collagen, elastin and natural hyaluronic acid. This naturally gives the skin more tone, freshness and vitality and leads to an improved skin appearance and a rosy complexion. PRP treatment is not only a natural anti-aging method, but is also successfully used against dark circles under the eyes, for neck rejuvenation or for the treatment of acne scars and hair loss.

3 prp autohaemotherapy face info
prp treatment vampire lifting eigenbluttherapie in basel basel

Application area

  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Wrinkles
  • Dark circles under eyes
  • Scar treatment, including acne scars
  • Pigmentation disorders
  • Hair growth

The treatment

  1. Preparation of the skin and application of a local anesthetic cream
  2. Taking a small amount of blood
  3. Processing and centrifugation of blood, sampling of platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
  4. Injection of PRP into the desired region (lower eyelid, mouth area, forehead, hairline, etc.) or combination with microneedling treatment.
  5. Face mask, moisturizing skin cream and sunscreen cream

For optimal results, it is recommended to have 3 to 4 PRP treatments performed at intervals of about 4 weeks.

The aftercare after an autologous blood therapy

  • Moisturizing skin care
  • Sunscreen with SPF 50+ for 3 months
  • Make-up possible from the first day after treatment

Risks and complications

Since PRP is the body's own material, the treatment is safe and well tolerated. Small bruises are very rare, because we work with very fine needles.
If the PRP treatment is combined with microneedling, the skin will be red immediately after the treatment. However, the redness of the skin is considerably reduced after a few hours and is usually no longer present after 2 to 3 days.

Frequently asked questions

After the plasma is injected, the skin's own regeneration processes are set in motion and increased collagen and elastin production is stimulated.
Already a few days after a microneedling treatment, a first effect is visible and the skin appears more radiant and fresh. However, it takes 2 to 3 months until the full effect of a PRP treatment is developed and the regeneration processes take effect.

How many treatments we recommend depends on your initial findings as well as the desired result. As a rule, 3 to 4 PRP treatments at intervals of approx. 4 weeks are recommended for an optimal result.

As a rule, you will be able to socialize again after 1 to 2 days at the latest. Depending on the treatment technique, the skin may still be slightly red at first, but this quickly subsides. The day after the treatment, you can put on makeup again and cover light redness with makeup.

On the day of the treatment you should refrain from wearing make-up. Already on the day after the treatment you may put on make-up again and cover light redness with make-up.

A PRP treatment is available from CHF 500.

Read also our Journal article "Vampire Lift for fresh, glowing skin!".

Simona Lüdi, M.D., will be happy to welcome you for a personal consultation for an autologous blood therapy in our clinic in Basel. We look forward to seeing you.

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